MeisterLabs GmbH
Zugspitzstrasse 2
85591 Vaterstetten
MindMeister, MeisterTask and MeisterNote are services of MeisterLabs, a specialist in intuitive collaboration apps for a smarter and more enjoyable workplace.
Zugspitzstrasse 2
85591 Vaterstetten
Amtsgericht Munich HRB 161267
UID DE247139684
Till Vollmer
Clemens Weidenbach
Billing & Technical Support
Corporate Sales
Contact us
Tel: +49 8106 9259020
Report a security vulnerability
Development, distribution and mediation of hardware and software in the IT sector, as well as license-free and non-manual services and works of all kinds in the IT sector, e.B consulting, training and problem solving, the mediation of services, hardware and software as well as the operation and maintenance of online services. Trading goods of all kinds without a license. Activities requiring a permission are not the object of the company.
Despite careful content control we do not take responsibility for any externally provided content or for the contents of linked sites which are the responsibility of their own operators.
This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
Portrait photos Clemens Weidenbach & Clara Pölzl ©