Mind mapping - 7 min read

Why mind mapping? 5 key benefits (+ templates)

Raphaela Brandner
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Ideas matter. When the term “mind mapping” was coined by Tony Buzan on the BBC’s Use Your Head in 1974, the ways in which we take notes, brainstorm and study changed forever. We look at what makes this technique so special, which mind mapping technique you should choose, and the key benefits of mind mapping.

Whether you’re mapping on paper, on a whiteboard or with an online mapping tool like MindMeister, you’re one of millions of professionals and students worldwide to benefit from this highly effective technique. In this article, we explore the types of mind maps you can benefit from, alongside the key reasons mind mapping is increasingly replacing other note-taking formats in business and educational contexts.

What is a mind map?

A mind map is a graphical representation of information. In contrast to the traditional, linear notes you might make in a text document or even on paper, mind maps let you capture thoughts, ideas and keywords on a blank canvas. These ideas are organized in a two-dimensional structure, with the title/main idea always located in the center of the map for visibility. Related ideas branch off from the center in all directions, creating a radiant structure.

Despite these key principles, the fact that mind mapping has existed for almost half a century makes it inevitable that some divergence will exist when it comes to defining what a mind map actually is. Let’s look at the two key schools of thought.

The Buzan method

In its purest form, and as described in this video from the late Tony Buzan himself, mind mapping is a particular technique that requires the following key elements to be effective: 

  • A central image, to stimulate memory, associations and thought processes

  • Curvilinear branches, emanating from the central image, to depict the basic ordering ideas (BOIs)

  • A (theoretically infinite) network of smaller branches to depict ideas stemming from the BOIs at different levels of detail

  • Conscious use of color to separate ideas by topic

  • A single keyword for each branch

As Buzan explains in the video, the rules behind his mind mapping technique were developed following extensive studies in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. Many purists argue to this day that his method remains the one true technique: a map without the elements above cannot be considered a “true” mind map.

Spider and Bubble maps


Although the term is inextricably linked to Buzan, the modern definition of mind mapping is slightly broader and generally encompasses spider maps and bubble maps as well. These similar concepts are less-rigidly defined variations of the Buzan method above, differing in several key aspects.  

Both spider/bubble maps and “Buzan” mind maps start from a single central topic, or two topics in “double bubble” maps. However, how the surrounding topics are presented is the crucial point of difference. 

Rather than labeling the branches, spider/bubble diagrams use lines to connect ideas, displayed as “bubbles” around the central theme. These topics may also be further dissected into subtopics to provide detail and depth.

A key advantage of spider/bubble maps is that they provide mappers with the opportunity to link themes “cross-topic” rather than solely from the preceding branch. This fosters an overarching structure within the map and can show links between related subjects.

Which mind map is right for you?


When it comes to creating your mind map, the most important things to consider are:

  • What you want to achieve, and 

  • How you learn best. 

Sometimes, you may not even need a mind map at all. While almost all mapping techniques were developed as an alternative to long-form text and linear notes, there are plenty of situations where linear note-taking is a perfectly suitable method. 

Your needs and goals should also be considered when you decide how to create the mind map itself. While traditional paper mind maps are great for developing ideas alone, the development of online mind mapping tools, like MindMeister, has enabled millions of people to brainstorm and plan together in real-time. 

In terms of the “Buzan” map vs. spider map divide, MindMeister allows you to choose the structure that best suits you: taking the best aspects of both techniques to create a flexible tool ideal for online collaboration. It also provides support for other diagram types, including org charts and project plans – you can even get a head start with ready-made mind map templates.

What are the benefits of mind mapping?

The soul never thinks without a mental image.


There are many reasons why mind mapping is used by millions of professionals, creatives and students all over the world. Here are the top 4:

There are many reasons why mind mapping is used by millions of professionals, creatives and students all over the world. Here are the top 4:

Mind maps help you to structure information

Mind maps can store and structure vast amounts of information. They display hierarchy, show relationships between individual ideas and enable you to see the “big picture” at a glance. These features also make mind maps an ideal tool to present information to others, create knowledge pools and solve complex problems.

Mind maps improve comprehension

In both school and university education, mind maps have proved to be popular and effective learning aids. By structuring information in a way that is more compatible with visual learning styles, and by filtering long texts into shorter mind map topics, learners can absorb large amounts of information faster. 

A 2021 study published in the TNU Journal of Science and Technology examined the impact of mind maps on reading comprehension of non-English majors at universities in Vietnam. The study found that the students' English reading comprehension improved significantly after the reading lessons with mind maps. Not only that, but the students’ interactions during the lessons, and the overall atmosphere in the class, was found to be consistently positive after mind mapping was introduced.

Mind maps enhance productivity

The benefits of mind mapping are not limited to education; they can be useful in a commercial sphere as well. Mind mapping enables you to learn faster, communicate more efficiently and brainstorm more effectively, which is why ever more businesses are using tools like MindMeister to get the most out of their teams. 

Whether you’re planning a project at work or writing a scientific paper — mind mapping will help you save tremendous amounts of time. According to a survey by the Mind Mapping Software blog, mind mapping software can increase productivity by an average of 23 percent.

Mind maps boost creativity

Two things make mind maps the best brainstorming tool out there. One: The act of developing a mind map stimulates our brain like no other technique and fosters a creative flow of ideas. Two: Mind maps allow you to transcribe those ideas with incredible speed, making for virtually frictionless thought organization.

A 2021 study into the benefits of mind mapping tools in graphic design education identified that mind mapping played an important role in the pre-conceptualization phase of the design process. In particular, it was observed to help designers develop creative ideas and maintain their creative energy. Similarly, a study into the effects of mind mapping on students' creativity in writing narrative texts found the method had a positive effect. The implementation of mind-mapping resulted in improvements in “critical thinking (from 57.89% to 86.84%), innovation (from 39.47% to 76.31%), and the overall learning outcome”.

Mind maps improve memory and recall

Mind maps present information visually. They feature several powerful mental triggers such as images, colors, shapes and connections, which help our brain process and memorize large amounts of information. Studies have found that mind maps can improve memory by 10-15 percent, others go even higher and estimate improvements of up to 32 percent³. Interestingly, students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia or high-functioning autism have reported that they find mind maps to be invaluable study aids.

Ready to unlock new ideas?

Now you have the 101 on mind mapping, you can start creating your own maps and experimenting with the technique. Whether you’re using mind maps for personal projects, collaborative work or study, there are limitless possibilities for what you can achieve. Good luck – and happy mapping!


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